If you are following the diet section please read in date order starting from Jan 01, 2012.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Today is a new day.
No matter what you did or ate yesterday, today is still a new day.
Are you having a hard day? Can't get back on track?
Sit down in front of the clock and watch the numbers change. Begin a new day on the stroke of the new hour. Not all days have to begin at midnight or at 6am.
At the beginning of a new day, you have not eaten or not eaten the right or wrong thing. Not too much or too little of what you believe you should eat. You have a clean slate, actually, a clean plate!
12 Step programs teach One Day at a Time and will tell you that if that is too hard, try one hour at a time. Anything, one minute, just try.
Yes I said TRY.
That is all we have to do for now.