If you are following the diet section please read in date order starting from Jan 01, 2012.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

anti inflammatory info

How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Relieve Joint Pain and Stiffness?
Potassium deficiency eventually causes joint stiffness and muscle cramps. The rich source of  potassium in ACV is an agent in removing toxins and acid crystals from the body, maintaining joint pliability. A build up of acid crystals lodge themselves in joint spaces causing pain, inflammation, and stiffness. Apple cider vinegar helps to put acid crystals into solution so they can be excreted from your body relieving stiffness and pain.
The best way to ingest apple cider vinegar:
Mix 1 tablespoon of ACV and 1 tablespoon of raw unfiltered honey in an 8oz glass of luke warm (not hot) water. Drink 1-3 times per day.
*Raw honey is also a rich source of potassium.
(I prefer the ACV tablets I get at Vitamin Shoppe)
Rosemary - Powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial culinary herb.
 Turmeric - Super anti-cancer herb, also known for enhancing joint health, ending arthritis pain and increasing muscle and tendon flexibility.
Ginger - One of the world's best-known tonic herbs. Boosts immune function and circulation, helping to remove metabolic toxins from the body's cells. Well known antibacterial and anti-viral properties.
Holy Basil - Also known as tulsi, holy basil is used in Ayurvedic medicine to combat arthritis, asthma, heart disease and many other conditions. It's also a well-documented anti-stress herb that been studied extensively for its stress-reduction properties.
Green Tea - A phenomenal healing herb, green tea exhibits strong anti-cancer benefits as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Hu Zhang - Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as an herb that invigorates the blood and eases inflammation of the lungs. The name for this herb is quite fascinating: The "Hu" means tiger, and "Zhang" means cane (like a walking cane). The "Hu" is used to denote strength, and the "Zhang" means "supportive." Hu Zhang dissolves phlegm and stops coughing, among its many other actions.
Chinese Goldthread - This is another Chinese herb that contains several bitter alkaloids. One of them is berberine, which is a phenomenal anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal nutrient. It has even been studied as a defense against MRSA superbug infections. Under ultraviolet light, berberine exhibits a natural fluorescence, meaning it exhibits a natural resonance with certain wavelengths of light.
Barberry - An herb used by ancient Egyptians (and still in use there today) for treating inflammatory fevers. It also aids in digestion and liver function. It's more of a support herb in this formula than the celebrity.
Oregano - Oregano is a very potent anti-parasite herb, but it's also used as a natural decongestant and anti-allergy herb. Highly-concentrated wildcrafted forms (like you find from North American Herb & Spice) will blow your mind. Baikal Skullcap - Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat intestinal inflammation, this world-renowned herb also relieves anxiety and insomnia. It also helps lower blood pressure and reduce tension throughout the body.
Turmeric, ginger and green tea ingredients are powerful anti-cancer remedies all by themselves. Turmeric contains ingredients that halt the growth of cancer tumors by cutting off their blood supply. Ginger boosts circulation to extremities and greatly enhances immune function. Green tea offers powerful prevention for breast cancer and prostate cancer!

Keep a food diary for one week. Yep, just write down every single thing you eat or drink for a week. Really. If you're like most people, the list will absolutely shock you.

The anti-inflammatory diet
The anti-inflammatory diet has a lot in common with the Mediterranean Diet. You've probably already heard about the many health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet, right? Among them are greatly reduced risks of heart attack, stroke and cancer. The reason for those benefits is simply that the Mediterranean Diet is anti-inflammatory!

Here are the basics of the anti-inflammatory diet:

• 90% plant-based foods (or more)
• Fresh produce at every meal
• No processed foods (made in a factory)
• No fried foods, no cheap oils
• Lots of cold-refined, extra virgin olive oil
• Lots of avocados, fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.
• Drink fresh vegetable juice daily (juice it yourself!)
• The best anti-inflammatory juices are cucumber and celery
• Lots of superfoods (berries, sprouts, etc.)
• Green tea and water as your beverages
• Lots of raw walnuts, pecans and other nuts

If you switch to this kind of diet, you'll experience a complete reversal of inflammation in your body (that sounds like a bold, sweeping statement but it's really just cause and effect). And not just inflammation, but also cancer, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, kidney stones, osteoporosis, allergies and many other degenerative health conditions. This is the diet of LIFE, and it's the mainstay of the raw foods community that's right now curing serious diseases by juicing raw vegetables and fruits on a daily basis.

5 truths about inflammation
1. Inflammation is the underlying cause of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes and many other conditions.

2. Inflammation is NOT caused by bad luck. It's caused by a bad diet.

3. Inflammatory foods are meats, dairy, sodas, processed foods, fried foods and foods cooked at high temperatures. Keep a food diary if you want to discover just how many bad foods you're really eating.

4. Anti-inflammatory foods are fresh, raw, unprocessed fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices. Eat more of this good stuff!

5. Anti-inflammatory supplements like Zyflamend and astaxanthin are powerful modulators of inflammation, but don't use them as a way to avoid the responsibility of making serious changes to your diet. Use them to support your positive changes, and you'll see accelerated results!
Zyflamend can be purchased from Amazon also.

read this from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center also

My arthritis in my hands cleared using
1) generic store brand of triple strength Glucosamine Chondroitin 2 pills a day (1500mg and 1200mg)
2) Apple Cider Vinegar tablets from Vitamin Shoppe as a result of search and research (600mg daily). These don't store up in the system but I instantly notice if I miss a day.

Google any of these and learn more :)