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Friday, November 12, 2010

Metabolism Boosting Foods

There are many benefits to metabolism boosting, and one of the best ways to do it is to watch what we eat. While exercise plays a very important part in increasing our metabolism, there are also a huge range of foods that have special metabolism boosting benefits. We shall look at some of these foods in today’s article.

Metabolism Boosting Foods

Benefit of Metabolism Boosting Foods

Most of us know that there are lots of benefits to having a fast metabolism, however not everyone knows why.

As we get older, our metabolism slows down, meaning it takes longer for our bodies to digest the food we eat which results in more stored fat in the body. A slow metabolism can cause fatigue, dry skin and obesity.

By adding metabolism boosting foods to our diets, we can help keep our metabolisms as high as possible. There are lots of foods that have metabolism boosting qualities, and we shall look at some of the most popular of these below.

Grapefruit for Boosting Metabolism

Grapefruit has long been considered as one of the best natural ways of boosting your metabolism – as well as providing many other health benefits. Grapefruits work by lowering the insulin levels in your body. Insulin is what triggers your body to store food as fat.

Grapefruits are also rich in fiber. Fiber is very hard for the body to break down – so to do so you must burn a lot more calories resulting in weight loss.

Adding grapefruit to your diet also offers a wide range of other health benefits including supplying a mega dose of vitamin C, folic acid and potassium – all of which promote a healthy heart and immune system.

Metabolism Boosting Foods

Green Tea and Coffee for Boosting Metabolism

Green tea and coffee are two great metabolism boosters that are very easy to add to your diet. Green tea has become a very popular drink over the past couple of years, and it has a wide range of health benefits.

Green tea is probably best known for its high antioxidant content, however it has fantastic abilities to increase your body’s metabolism as well. Green tea has thermogenic properties – meaning that it helps warm up the body. When your body creates heat it needs to burn more calories, which in turn increases your metabolic rate.

Caffeine also has similar properties, which is both in green tea (in small doses) and in coffee. Coffee increases your heart rate and helps boost your metabolic rate on a temporary basis. Coffee should be drunk in moderation however, and no more than three cups a day are advised.

Yogurt for Boosting Metabolism

Natural yogurt is fantastic as a metabolism boosting food as it contains large amounts of protein. Protein, like fiber, is very hard for the body to digest and so requires more energy to be processed – burning more calories along the way and increasing your metabolic rate.

Natural yogurt also contains pro-biotic cultures that will help regular your digestive tract and aid in a fast and healthy digestive system.

Metabolism Boosting Foods

Apples for Boosting Metabolism

Apples offer similar benefits to grapefruits, in that they are high in fiber – which requires the body to burn a lot more calories than for other foods.

Apples are also very low in calories yet they also have a low GI rating, meaning that they will help you feel full for longer – preventing you snacking too regularly. An apple a day really will keep the doctor away!

Spinach for Boosting Metabolism

The final metabolism boosting food we shall look at today is spinach. Spinach offers a huge amount of benefits to your body, with metabolism boosting just one of them! Spinach is a fantastic source of antioxidants, potassium, iron, magnesium and vitamin C. It also contains fiber, which in a similar way to apples and grapefruit helps increase the metabolism by forcing your body to burn more calories.

Spinach contains metabolism-regulating vitamins and minerals such as B vitamins and calcium. It is an all-round great addition for your diet, and can help combat lots of health problems all in one go. Why not switch your usual lettuce in your sandwiches for some spinach?

Metabolism Boosters

We've all heard people talk about metabolism – but what is it and how can we boost it? That is what we shall talk about in today's guide.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism refers to the chemical reactions that go on inside your body that allow you to live and grow. Your metabolism helps you to digest food and absorb nutrients.

Obesity is strongly linked to slow metabolism – as you are not digesting your food as quickly as someone with fast metabolism. However, there are ways to boost your metabolism that we shall look at below.

How to Boost Your Metabolism

What Causes Slow Metabolism?

Your metabolism is most commonly affected by hydration, nutrition and physical activity. To be able to boost your metabolism you must first understand why it is low.

When trying to lose weight, many people lower their calories and fat intake – however this can actually slow down your metabolic rate. A good weight loss routine must also include physical activity to help bring your metabolic rate back up.

Even the healthiest of people will find that their metabolic rate will lower as they get older – this is just a natural process. Most people find it a lot harder to lose or keep off weight as they get older because of their lowered metabolic rate.

Unfortunately, a large factor affecting metabolic rate is genetics. While not everyone is blessed with a fast metabolism, there are ways of speeding it up.

How to Boost Your Metabolism

What are the Benefits of Boosting your Metabolism?

Many people talk about boosting their metabolism, but what are the benefits of doing so? There are a lot more benefits to boosting your metabolism than you may think.

A faster metabolism can help you live a much more active and healthy lifestyle. Low metabolism can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, constipation, weight gain, dry skin and feeling cold.

The main benefit to boosting your metabolism is that it can help you maintain a healthy weight. Those with a high metabolic rate will find it easier to keep weight off than those with a slow metabolism. An increased metabolism can even help you burn more calories while you are sleeping!

How to Boost Your Metabolism

How Can you Boost your Metabolism?

There are lots of ways in which you can boost your metabolism, and the most important thing to remember is what we mentioned before: physical activity, hydration and nutrition.

As well as ensuring you maintain those three things in a healthy manner, there are numerous foods and products that work as metabolism boosters.

Green tea has become a very popular metabolism booster – and is very enjoyable and easy to drink. Why not swap your usually morning tea to a green tea? Green tea contains the chemical EGCG that works by speeding up your brain and nervous system resulting in your body burning more calories. Coffee also works as a temporary metabolism booster – however you shouldn't consume more than three cups per day.

Other natural metabolism boosters include: almonds, grapefruit, yogurt, apples, turkey and spinach – to name just a few.

You can also take supplements that are designed to boost your metabolism. Many metabolism boosters are made from natural ingredients, whereas others have been scientifically created to help.

Natural metabolism booster supplements include B Vitamins, green tea tablets and general multivitamins. These are a great way of helping boost your metabolism while also increasing overall health. Some people however do not find the natural metabolism boosters strong enough for their needs and choose to try scientifically-formulated boosters.

There are literally dozens of different non-natural metabolic booster supplements on the market, and it can be hard to know which one to choose. Always read plenty of reviews and get recommendations when possible to help you make the best decision as to which is the best metabolism booster for you.

The best metabolism booster however is exercise. Even just a small increase in your daily physical activity will show positive results. The faster your heart rate, the faster your body will digest your food – meaning it doesn't get a chance to store it as excess fat. Combine a good, nutritious diet with a regular exercise plan – and you are well on your way to achieving your fitness and health goals!

(shared from http://www.metabolismboosters.net/general/)