If you are following the diet section please read in date order starting from Jan 01, 2012.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Still can't lose weight?

Are you still unable to lose weight?
Have you considered food allergies? Do some foods make you sick, your stomache hurt, feel all bloated or swollen?

Start by food journaling. Keep track of what you eat for a month. If you have any negative symptoms after eating, write it down. Do you find that you are gassy every time you have lunch at the deli by work? What did you eat? Did mom make your favorite dinner again and you went home to argue with your best friend while in tummy pain- just like last time?

These are all clues. Your body is talking to you. We just forget to stop and listen.

Remember that some foods are made up of several foods combined. For example, lasagna. Pasta, tomato sauce, cheeses,....all layered together for yummy goodness. Maybe there is an ingredient flavoring the meat or the sauce that is a problem for you.

Your food journal is your clue book to knowing your body.


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