If you are following the diet section please read in date order starting from Jan 01, 2012.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Diet Freedom

It is so easy to diet when you make your own diet. I have my protein shake every morning. During the morning I drink my coffee with something low calorie and high protein like a protein bar. Next I reach for another protein shake.
Every 2 hours. Protein with low calories.
Next is a "meal" such as cottage cheese and fruit.
Two more hours. A "snack" of Greek yogurt. Or 50 calorie Flax pitabread and peanut butter.
Two more hours and another "meal".

My point here is that I eat whatever I want-- no, I do not live on ice cream and brownies (mmmm, what an idea! One day I need to bake those brownies with the black beans in the recipe). When I shop, I look for the right foods. In my house, there are lots of foods that work for me. I have 25 -45 calorie ice pops and Yasso frozen Greek yogurt bars in my freezer. I have breads- Flax pita bread and others.

I have always believed that if you are hungry for something, then have a bite or two. Just eat something high protein beforehand so that you are not hungry. Control is impossible when you are really hungry!

#weightloss, #highprotein # wls #proteinshakes #lowcalorie #diet #yasso #greekyogurt #frozengreekyogurt #proteinbar  #preteindiet