You want to lose weight?
Have you spent your life on diets like I have? Have you tried Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Over Eaters anonymous, The Grapefruit Diet, The Banana Diet, The Cabbage Soup diet, The South Beach Diet, The Atkins Diet,...?
Me too.
I have tried so many different diets and failed at them all. I learned something from all of them and weight did come off. My problem was the weight always came back.
I decided that I am a failure and I will always be fat, unhealthy without nice clothes.
I was ready for the weight loss surgery. My magic had been offered finally. I was nearing 350 pounds and all I had to do was let these wonderful doctors open me up and rearrange my insides. The plan was to recreate me so that I would no longer be able to eat nonstop and gain more weight. I would finally be thin!!!!
Tomorrow I will continue to tell you more of my history.
Now we will start your journey also.
I want you to get index cards or a small notebook. Anything to make this easiest for you to do.
On the first index card, write down everything you have eaten so far today. On another card write everything you ate yesterday. Go back as many days as you can completely remember.
Nobody will be grading you on these and nobody will read them. You never need to look at them again if you choose not to.
From now on everything you eat gets written down. It does not matter what you eat yet. Just be honest with yourself.
You matter.