I know you are anxious to tell me all that you wrote on your index cards and how you managed to not eat everything in sight. You are all ready to tell me how this is the key to losing weight that you have been waiting for......no? You are right. It is just a step, a tool. We need lots of them and we need to remember to use them.
I like to write my daily eating in an online journal. There are so many of them but the one that I am comfortable with is at Fit Click (the link is on this blog, a few posts back.)
I enjoy the convenience of calculating my nutrition at just a click and its library seems to cover everything-even 7-11 snacks!!
We were discussing my weight loss surgery, yesterday?
I went to the orientation program and left with a packet of paperwork. I had questionnaires to complete and doctors to visit....psychologist, nutritionist, cardiologist, pulmonologist, and many more.
I made appointments and started visiting doctors and had blood work done. It was a major process. Everything went well with all of the doctors signing off to get me scheduled. I was finally a success at being fat! Then, the pulmonary doctor said no. I never expected him to be the one. He said come back in 6 months and we will discuss it.
I was heart broken.
I cried to my online friends in the weight loss surgery groups I had joined. I read their posts and felt bad for everyone but awful for myself.
As I made friends, I began to really read about their struggles. I began to realize that there were many things I would need to learn to do after my surgery.
I did not want to fail even after surgery. I read about malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies, hair loss,...I started to see that this was not going to be as easy as I had thought.
Today we are going to begin to add to our diets.
You do not have to give up anything yet.
Keep tracking your foods.
And add one thing.
When you wake up in the morning, you have your own routine. That is ok. However, it is time to add just one item. Protein. I do not care if you never eat breakfast. It is time to change. I could answer that you could never lose weight!
We are all about a life change and it is time to begin.
My mornings start with a very cold Slimfast (any protein drink is fine, I just drink this one) -in my hand on the way out the door. A protein bar with a cup of coffee is fine. Protein shakes are more involved but wonderful. A handful of fruit, a scoop of protein powder (brand not important), handful of ice, skim milk or water -all in the blender till ready to drink.
Make it easy so you can do it every day within the first hour you are awake.
Have a wonderful day.