The thing or person chosen; that which is approved and selected in preference to others; selection.
The best part; that which is preferable.
Every day You make choices.
Today choose to eat right and to choose your foods.
Choice eliminates the need for willpower.
Do you want me to tell you what to eat every day, every hour?
It didn't work for me. I saw those menus and measurements and I could not follow them.
I needed to learn to make healthy choices.
This is all about my life changes and you can make them your life changes, too.
You have heard the saying, "Eat to live, not to eat".
We are here to reduce the importance of food in our lives. When we suffer through someone else's menus for a week, they might cause us to lose weight but when we stop following those menus, it all comes back.
My weight has been coming off slowly and steadily for almost a year now. I am healthier and stronger than ever before.
You can choose to be also!!