I have been trying to add things to your eating habits. It is so hard to give up the things we like or enjoy-even if they are killing us. We need to learn positive control and instigation.
Mmm, chocolate bars with hot, morning coffee....see how easy that was to put into your head?
Now think of a great big Chef's salad with all the good, healthy things added in that you like. If you can replace the first picture with the second one, you will have no problem losing all the weight you choose. However, if you are like me, then it didn't work.
To begin with, I now have a protein bar with my coffee. I still prefer the ones without the chocolate coating. It is just easier for me to not have any. I don't do well with moderation!
It is best to not allow that first picture to take up space in your mind at all. I have found that I shop with a buffet plan on my mind. I chose many foods that I can enjoy. They are all ready to use or even to eat when I bring them home. Zucchini is a very easy food to cook and I enjoy it. If I buy them whole, lazy me might just leave them till they are watery and rotten in my fridge. I pay a lot more for presliced vegetables-but I cook and eat them all. I save money because there is less rotten food. I don't like giving my food more time and attention then it already gets from me. You need to find what works for you.
Getting back to the evil pictures in my mind, I plan a meal based on those easy foods I have in the fridge. On my way home, I might be thinking about a slice of salmon filet from my freezer with just a splash of soy sauce on it (5 minutes in microwave if frozen) along with some vegetable that also gets quickly cooked in the microwave. No thinking about pizza being easier and faster.
I don't let myself feel hungry and that way, I don't let hunger win.
I have mentioned Protein shakes several times now. They are an essential part of our non-diet. Protein keeps us from feeling hungry.
There are many different whey protein shake recipes that you can try.
Basically, take a scoop of any brand whey protein powder along with other ingredients and mix in your blender. You can add fruit, milk, ice, anything.
My favorite protein shake is simple. I use an empty water bottle for the scoop of vanilla whey protein powder. I add about 2 inches of warm (never hot) water, close and shake. This dissolves everything. I then add strawberry Crystal Light and ice water and shake. Quick, easy, disposable!
If you page back to through the history of this blog, there is a post or more of shakes.