My Winter Shopping Cart:
Chobani (or any) Strawberry Greek Yogurt- any size
Damascus Flax Roll-Ups
Skippy Reduced Fat Creamy Peanut Butter (better than the healthy brand)
Poland Spring or Nestle 160z water bottles (cases) for no reason other than how they fit in my hands
Tuna-any cheap, water packed type. I prefer Bumble Bee Light packed in a pouch
Kraft Fat free Catalina Dressing
Hellmann's Low Fat Mayonnaise Dressing 15 cals/Tbsp
Popping corn (air popped in microwave in a paper lunch bag)
spray oil/butter buds
Slimfast bottles
Designer Whey Protein Powder
Edy's Fruit Bars 25 cals each in my freezer
Ready cooked rotisserie chicken (I debone it and repack it when I get home)
Zone Protein Bars
Eggs to hard boil
Green tea and others
Presliced fresh vegetables
Small amounts of cheese such as string cheese or any other low fat cheeses
(Winter shopping cart because I am a little stricter when the fresh fruit is better)
Please think about your shopping cart. What shouldn't be in there and what do you need to add?
I found out that when I eliminated Big Macs, Whoppers and other items like those, I was able to afford to make large pieces of salmon or handfuls of shrimp at home!