Today, you have to do something you don't like.
I don't, anyway.
It is time to weigh in-if you haven't already. Get undressed if you must, but record your weight. Then put the scale away. It goes in the back of the closet until next month. Yes, I said month. The only thing accomplished by weighing more often is that you become depressed and eat chocolate kisses or whatever.
I use my doctor's scale. It is not easy to use that way.
We also need to use one of those evil tape measures. Measure waist, hips, breast, shoulders, arm and thigh circumference... You know the places.
You have the measurements? You have changed them to look better/ worse? All done?
Put the tape measure away. With the scale!!!
Honestly, the day to day measurements are not needed. My jeans tell me more than the scale. I want to look good and feel good. The scale does not understand any of that.
Today is traumatic enough. We will move on tomorrow.