If you are following the diet section please read in date order starting from Jan 01, 2012.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Migraine help

Supplements supposed to help if you tend to get migraines:
vitamin B2 (400 milligrams a day)
magnesium (600 mg per day)
peppermint oil- rub a drop on temples
5-HTP (600 mg/day)
butterbur, 75 milligrams twice a day
4,000 to 6,000 mg of omega-3 fish oil daily
 CoQ10 (3 x 100 mg/day)

OTC Excedrin Migraine taken with 1000mg Cal/500mg Magbesuyn
  • MigreLief, contains magnesium, B2, and feverfew. You take one tablet in the morning and the evening with a meal. You should see results in 30 to 90 days.  
  • Migravent, which contains butterbur, a plant effective at helping to prevent migraine headaches.