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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Coconut Oil

Whether you want to ease your muscle aches, loosen up stiff joints or relieve the pain of arthritis, coconut oil can bring you the relief you seek.
Coconut oil is not like other fats. It offers relief to your muscles and joints because it contains a special group of fats known as medium-chain fatty acids. By nature, these fatty acids possess important healing properties.
Internally and externally coconut oil acts as:
  • An anti-inflammatory
  • A pain reliever
  • Muscle & joint lubricant and relaxant

Anti-InflammatoryCoconut oil for arthritis is considered one of the best natural remedies for inflamed muscles and joints. Arthritis can be very painful and debilitating. Even doing simple tasks or getting around normally can be a challenge.

This is why we recommend coconut oil. It effectively reduces inflammation and is very soothing to inflamed tissues and joints. It also strengthens bones.

Pain Reliever

Years ago, I suffered greatly from the pain and fatigue of fibromyalgia. Back then, I wish I had known more about fibromyalgia and coconut oil.
Although my pain was not centered in the joints, the pain was constant and incapacitating.
I am here to tell you that no matter where your pain is located, coconut oil for arthritis or fibromyalgia can lessen your discomfort. The oil works best when you warm it first and then apply it directly to the painful muscle(s) or joint(s).

Doing this:
  • Increases blood supply to the area.
  • Reduces pain and swelling.
  • Is very soothing and healing.

Gentle Lubricant

Using coconut oil for arthritis to lubricate muscles and joints works extremely well. This is especially true after a bath or shower.

As a gentle lubricant coconut oil benefits you because:
  1. It promotes circulation in joints.
  2. It reduces stiffness and increases joint flexibility.
*Many arthritis and fibromyalgia sufferers have found that when they take coconut oil internally as well as apply it externally that their pain significantly diminishes.
Over time, they find it can even disappear!

Some people find that applying a heating pad to the area after massaging the oil on the muscle or joint helps even more.
This is because the oil becomes more viscous and the heat accelerates and deepens penetration.

Try to combine coconut oil with one or more of the following ingredients:
  • Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses
  • Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Turmeric

Coconut Oil Alone:
Coconut oil for arthritis as a natural remedy requires different dosages depending on whether you want to prevent or treat the condition.
Naturally, the dosage will be higher if you want to treat as opposed to prevent.
So, when you begin treatment for arthritis pain, a common guideline is:
“for every 50 pounds of body weight, take 1 teaspoon of oil.”We advise staying at this daily amount until your body gets used to the oil. Then, you can increase your daily intake by another teaspoon.

Eventually, you want to work up to 1 tablespoon per day. (Maybe more depending on severity of symptoms).
For prevention, a good place to begin is 1 teaspoon per day.
Externally, we have seen good results if you massage the oil onto the affected joint(s) 2-3 times per day.

Coconut Oil With Molasses, Apple Cider Vinegar or Turmeric:
The ratio is 1:1 coconut oil to molasses or apple cider vinegar.
For example, if you take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, then take 1 tablespoon of molasses or apple cider vinegar at the same time.
If you take turmeric with coconut oil it depends on whether you take capsules or powder.
Capsules= 8 per day, 2x/day (that is 4 capsules @ 400mg, 2x/day).
Powder= 1 teaspoon per day.
*Both are taken right along with coconut oil.
*Keep in mind that if you choose to take turmeric capsules, you will go thru many more per day than if you purchase turmeric powder.

Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil plays a significant role in the prevention of disease as well as helping the body to fight it. Here are a few examples of its healing capabilities:
  • Kills viruses that cause mononucleosis, influenza, hepatitis C, measles, herpes, AIDS and other illnesses.
  • Kills bacteria that cause pneumonia, ear ache, throat infections, dental cavities, food poisoning, urinary tract infections, meningitis, gonorrhea etc.
  • Protects brain and nerve cell degeneration from lipid peroxidation of unsaturated oils.
  • Relieves stress on pancreas and enzyme systems of the body.
  • Helps protect against osteoporosis.
  • Relieves symptoms associated with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and stomach ulcers.
  • Improves utilization of essential fatty acids and protects them from oxidation.
  • Helps to protect the body from harmful free radicals that promote premature aging and degenerative disease.
  • Helps relieve symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Helps protect against kidney and bladder problems.
  • Helps prevent liver disease.