If you are following the diet section please read in date order starting from Jan 01, 2012.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Why Whey Protein?

This is from an article I am reading:

Lactoferrin For Fat Loss

The potential anti-obesity effect of lactoferrin was confirmed in obese mice, when researchers found that a lactoferrin-rich diet resulted in increased fat loss.14 Another study in mice found that a lactoferrin-rich whey protein isolate prevents obesity by inhibiting weight gain, and fights obesity by enhancing fat loss.15 During spontaneous feeding (when mice were not calorie restricted), the lactoferrin-rich whey protein isolate prevented weight gain and fatty liver formation. During a calorie-restricted diet, the lactoferrin-rich whey protein isolate enhanced fat loss.15
New research is showing that lactoferrin might help humans shed body fat as well. One indicator is that higher blood levels of lactoferrin are associated with lower BMI (body mass index, an indicator of obesity), lower waist-to-hip ratio, and lower fasting triglyceride (blood fat) and glucose concentrations.16,17
A number of studies confirm this finding as well. In one notable study, healthy men and women between 22 and 60 years old supplemented with 300 mg of lactoferrin tablets a day for 8 weeks.18 Subjects were told to maintain their regular food habits. Compared to the placebo group, the group taking the lactoferrin supplement experienced a significant 12.3% reduction in intra-abdominal (visceral) fat.18 The lactoferrin group also showed significant decreases in body weight (-3.3 lb), BMI (-0.6), hip circumference (-1 inch), and waist circumference (-1.7 inches). The placebo group, on the other hand, gained 2.2 pounds.
The researchers concluded that lactoferrin appears to be a promising supplement for counteracting the accumulation of belly fat.

The rest of the article is at 

This information supports my use of Whey protein powder in shakes for extreme, fast and healthy weight loss.