Protein is absolutely vital to your body's function. In fact, protein is a component in just about every major body system. Your blood, bones, muscles, organs, immune system and nerves all contain proteins.
During the course of everyday living, these tissues break down and must be replaced and repaired. To do this, your body needs a steady supply of high quality protein every single day.
And, unlike fat and carbohydrates, your body does not store protein for future use.
So if not supplied to the body on a daily basis, your body will literally steal protein from existing muscle tissue in order to get the protein it needs to function. And this spells disaster for your body and your metabolism.
You end up with less lean muscle and a slower metabolism. This is why, if you are trying to lose weight, you actually need to dramatically INCREASE your protein intake, not decrease it.
And besides helping to build lean body mass, and reduce body fat, there are 3 more amazing benefits to taking a high quality protein supplement.
'Where does protein powder come from?'
First of all, the type of protein that works best for weight loss and all the other benefits I've mentioned, is called "Whey Protein". Although there are other protein sources, nothing compares to whey in terms of science and completeness... especially if you are interested in shedding fat around your stomach, neck and thighs.
In recent research published in The American Journal of Nutrition, whey protein was shown to increase your metabolism more than casein or soy protein — which has other problems, especially if you are female. And other vegetable proteins have incomplete amino acid profiles... and can be especially low in the amino acid leucine — which is responsible for maintaining lean muscle.
In fact, in this study, whey protein increased what researchers call "thermogenesis" — or calorie burning — even FIVE HOURS after people consumed it.
So, where does whey protein come from?
Whey protein is naturally found in milk. It is produced during the process of making cheese. Enzymes are added to milk, causing it to separate into 2 parts: cheese curds and whey protein.
In addition to fat loss, appetite suppression, increased metabolism and reducing the negative effects of eating too much sugar — here are the 3 other benefits of taking a high quality protein supplement that I mentioned.
First, studies have shown that UN-DENATURED whey protein helps boost your immune system by providing a highly bio-available form of protein called immunoglobulins. These special proteins are only available in cold processed whey concentrates... not the super-heated dead-on-arrival protein isolates you buy in the store.
The second benefit of taking a high quality protein supplement is that studies show it may improve mood and help with memory loss. A study done in 2012 suggested that the peptides and alpha-lactalbumin found in whey, may help protect against age related cognitive decline. And I don't know anybody who wouldn't want that!
The third benefit of taking a high quality protein supplement is that it may help slow signs of aging. Whey protein is rich in glutathione — your body's most powerful antioxidant. And studies show that increasing the body's production of glutathione may inhibit the progression of the aging process.
In addition to high quality protein for rapid weight loss — there are four more ingredients that will keep you on the fast track to achieving your weight loss goals.
The first ingredient is called inulin, and it's a prebiotic soluble fiber that helps feed good bacteria. Inulin slows down the absorption of sugar in your digestive track, thus helping to regulate blood sugar levels. And keeping your blood sugar in check is key to rapid weight loss.
What I really like about inulin is its naturally sweet taste and its ability to help you feel full longer.
Second, we included a full-spectrum enzyme blend that contains lactase and proteases. This blend aids in the digestion of the small amount of lactose present in our whey, thus making it a possible option for people who are lactose intolerant.
These enzymes also help break down and assimilate the whey protein more efficiently... allowing you to experience the full benefits of the formula.
The third additional ingredient is a powerful B-Vitamin Complex with Folate — for maximum energy levels. And we all know that one of the biggest reasons people abandon their diets is the dreaded energy crash — causing you to feel tired and lethargic.
So we've added proper amounts of all the B-vitamins — a complex that assists your body in metabolizing fat and protein to help you derive maximum energy from the foods you eat.
The fourth supplement group included is Creatine and Phosphatidylcholine. Long-term creatine use has been shown to increase both strength and endurance, while phospatidylcholine has been shown to have positive effects on brain health. So, to complete it, we added both creatine and phospatidylcholine to help you experience more strength, endurance and mental clarity throughout the day.
This information is important so I did take it from here but I removed the brand name since I don't feel that part was important-
http://ww w.realdoseweightloss. com/k/real-meal/how-to-find-the-best-protein-powder