- Chicken and turkey are the best sources of protein among meats. They offer more lean cuts, which means you can have a solid amount of protein with less saturated fat. White meat is a better choice than dark. A 3.5-ounce chicken breast will yield approximately 30 grams of protein.
- Fish and other seafood is also an excellent source of protein. They contain very little fats as long as they are not fried or breaded, which makes them an excellent choice when increasing your protein intake. A small 6-ounce can of tuna can give you 40 grams of protein. Lobster, crab and shrimp are also beneficial sources of protein.
- Though beef gives you a large amount of protein, it is also the fattest meat. Therefore, it should only be eaten in moderation, and only the leanest cuts should be consumed. Ground beef should be 93/7 on the fat ratio. Other cuts from the round and sirloin is OK as long as the visible fat is trimmed away.
- Nuts and seeds make a large amount of protein, making them a popular snack for bodybuilders. These do contain some saturated fats, which are healthy in moderation. Two tablespoons of peanut butter will give you about 8-to-10 grams of protein, while 1/4 cup of other nuts and seeds contain 3-to-10 grams (See resources for full list).
- Beans and soy are often eaten as an alternative to meats, especially for vegetarians. They offer lots of protein, as well as substantial amounts of fiber and other nutrients. One cup of most cooked beans will give you about 17-to-20 grams of protein. Soybeans contain 28 grams of protein per cooked cup. Tofu, a chosen meat alternative, yields about 40 grams per cup.
- Eggs can be cooked in many ways and added to almost every meal as a protein supplement. One large egg contains about 6 grams of protein. Therefore, they are recommended to be eaten along with protein-rich meats and vegetables.
Monkeys, squirrels, eggplants, anything goes... Anything and everything! My health notes collecting blog . (This is where I write & store anything about health and weight loss) *~♥~*
If you are following the diet section please read in date order starting from Jan 01, 2012.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
What Foods to Eat on a Protein Diet
Protein is an essential nutrient for our bodies, especially if we wish to lose weight and/or have strong, toned muscles. Those who work out know how vital protein is toward keeping muscles from getting sore and damaged. Without this nutrient, it would be impossible to move the day after a workout. Protein can be received in many foods, and most bodybuilders put themselves on a diet of high-protein foods. Knowing what foods to eat on a protein diet will help you acquire strong muscles.