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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How to Lose Weight and Burn Fat: The Best Diet For Getting In Shape - Protein Tips!

Want to discover the best way to lose weight, burn fat, and get in shape? There are many vital aspects, but you can't miss these tips on protein!
  1. Step 1

    We have all heard the expression 'protein power'. What does it mean? Is protein just for bodybuilders? How important is protein for the average everyday person?

    Protein is for everybody, we all need it. It energizes us and keeps us running on 'high octane' all through the day. It gives the body that metabolism boost that fuels us right through the whole day.

    Bodybuilders, fitness trainers, people wanting to lose fat and tone up. Even 'couch potatoes' can benefit from protein.

    Why is protein so special? Did you know that eating protein food causes the largest metabolic response by our bodies?

  2. Step 2

    Metabolism, metabolism, metabolism. When people talk about losing weight, that word inevitably come up. We just love to blame our metabolism for that extra fat!

    But it does not have to be that way! When we eat protein food, our bodies use up to 25% of the food calories just to break it down and digest it!

    So, you want a faster metabolism? Eat more protein, simple as that.

    What else make protein so special and productive for us? Protein is crucial to proper hormone and enzyme activity within the body. It stabilizes blood sugar levels.

    Protein is what rebuilds our muscle tissue. Healthy muscles mean a healthy metabolism. Simply put, protein is very important to a productive metabolism.

    How do we most productively and easily incorporate protein power into our everyday routine?

  3. Step 3

    Take a field note from bodybuilders. They have shown us time and time again that the 5-6 meals\snacks per day type of eating is very productive. Be sure to eat 2-3 snacks in everyday if you want to maximize your metabolism.

    One easy way to add quality protein to your diet is with a protein bar. Protein bars make a perfect snack, no matter what your goals.

    Remember, portion control and eating a proper amount is very important. Always read those labels and make sure you are well aware of what you are eating.

    Protein power. Maximize your metabolism by making sure you are eating a proper amount.