Monkeys, squirrels, eggplants, anything goes... Anything and everything! My health notes collecting blog . (This is where I write & store anything about health and weight loss) *~♥~*
Sunday, February 19, 2012
I have learned that it is very hard to stop eating and stop eating what is enjoyed.
Until you reach a point of supernatural control, don't stop eating. Work with it.
Substitute foods you enjoy that are good for you for the ones that aren't.
I gave up bagels, but I never gave up having something cake-like with my morning coffee. I have protein bars instead.
At night I nibble on blueberries or a big plate of veggies of choice.
Find what works for you.
Monday, February 13, 2012

Due to some real life problems lately, I have not been myself.
Actually, I guess I really haven't been my old self. I had that old urge to stuff down the feelings with food. Did I get out the chocolate or the ice cream?
I bought very expensive (Godiva?) blueberries!! They aren't in season for awhile yet so I paid $7 for the 2 containers that I have bought in the summer for $4. Nice plump, juicy blueberries the size of small grapes! I can't post a picture of them since I ate all of my blueberries.
I ate 2 pints of blueberries for 120 calories each.
Imagine? And they are so very good for you, too!
I just searched for some pictures and found "ScienceDaily (Apr. 19, 2009) — Could eating blueberries help get rid of belly fat? And could a blueberry-enriched diet stem the conditions that lead to diabetes? A new University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center study suggests so."
Sunday, February 5, 2012

My son just sent me this from - mmmm - had to share!:
Bake an Egg in an Avocado for a Fast and Healthy Breakfast Treat-
Avocados are amazing things—they're delicious on their own, but they also have a lot of healthy fats, dietary fibers, and vitamins, and despite their high caloric value, they're remarkably easy to prepare.
If you have an avocado that's too firm to use for something else, or you're just in the mood for something new and healthy for breakfast, slice it in half, remove the pit, and carve out a little space in the center.
Crack an egg where the pit was, and bake.
In a few minutes, you'll have a delicious, protein and vitamin-packed breakfast treat that's rich enough to keep you going all morning.

I am just plain lazy.
I have lost almost 75 pounds this year and I still do not exercise. I need to at least learn to walk regularly in the street or the gym or around the mall, but some place!!! Why walk? The benefits of walking:
1. “Burn” calories, improves the rate of metabolism.
2. Helps strengthen the body, reduce local subcutaneous fat, helps to restore the loose body areas, as a result of the weight loss.
3. Helps to strengthen the bones (something especially important for women).
4. Reduces symptoms of varicose veins, helps the circulatory system.
5. Reduces blood pressure and pulse when you are relaxed
6. Help overcoming headaches.
7. Helps you be calmer with less stress, “intensity”, “nerves” that often cause greed, need for food.
After a good walk you would feel better, more relaxed, less stressed, and less “need” for food.
(info 'borrowed' from )